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Infamous (2006)
Dirty Tricks (2006)
The Good Night (2006)
Love and Other Disasters (2006)
Running with Scissors (2006)
Untitled Marlene Dietrich Project (2006)
证据/求证 Proof (2005)
明日世界/轰天战士决战明日世纪/空军上校和未来世界 Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004)
The Flying Legion Air Combat Challenge (2004)
101 Biggest Celebrity Oops (2004)
101 Most Unforgettable SNL Moments (2004)
裸体切割 In the Cut (2003)
希尔维亚/西维亚的情人/篇篇情意劫 Sylvia (2003)
空姐梦 View from the Top (2003)
The Laurence Olivier Awards 2003 (2003)
无可救药爱上你/迷梦情缘 Possession (2002)
王牌大贱谍3:金盟友 Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002)
New World (2002)
The ELLE Style Awards (2002)
第74届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 74th Annual Academy Awards (2002)
Searching for Debra Winger (2002)
特伦鲍姆一家 The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)
庸人哈尔 Shallow Hal (2001)
Reel Comedy: Shallow Hal (2001)
The 55th Annual Tony Awards (2001)
真爱大吐槽 The Anniversary Party (2001)
Pootie Tang (2001)
缘来是你 Bounce (2000)
二重唱 Duets (2000)
2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards (2000)
Reflections on 'The Talented Mr. Ripley' (2000)
我爱糖衣路 The Intern (2000)
第72届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 72nd Annual Academy Awards (2000)
天才雷普利/天才瑞普利/心计 The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999)
Inside 'The Talented Mr. Ripley' (1999)
第71届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 71st Annual Academy Awards (1999)
莎翁情史 Shakespeare in Love (1998)
迷离布局 Hush (1998)
滑动门 Sliding Doors (1998)
远大前程 Great Expectations (1998)
超完美谋杀案 Perfect Murder, A (1998)
艾玛 Emma (1996)
出殡抱佳人 Pallbearer, The (1996)
赌城纵横 Sydney (1996)
月光情圣 Moonlight and Valentino (1995)
总统的秘密情人 Jefferson in Paris (1995)
七宗罪/火线追缉令 Se7en (1995)
派克夫人的情人 Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle (1994)
爸爸别杀我 Deadly Relations (1993)
无情大地有情天 Flesh and Bone (1993)
体热边缘 Malice (1993)
Cruel Doubt (1992)
虎克船长 Hook (1991)
呐喊赤子心 Shout (1991) 《莎翁情史》《相票情缘》 《地下铁》《灵与肉》《庸人哈尔》《二重唱》《埃玛》《空际上尉和明日世界》
很多的,我记得的就这些了! Proof (2005) .... Catherine
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004) .... Polly Perkins
Sylvia (2003) .... Sylvia Plath
View from the Top (2003) .... Donna Jensen
Possession (2002/I) .... Maud Bailey
Shallow Hal (2001) .... Rosemary Shanahan
The Royal Tenenbaums (2001) .... Margot Tenenbaum
The Anniversary Party (2001) .... Skye Davidson
Bounce (2000) .... Abby Janello
Duets (2000) .... Liv
The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) .... Marge Sherwood
Shakespeare in Love (1998) .... Viola De Lesseps
A Perfect Murder (1998) .... Emily Bradford Taylor
Hush (1998) .... Helen Baring
Great Expectations (1998) .... Estella
Sliding Doors (1998) .... Helen Quilley
Emma (1996) .... Emma Woodhouse
The Pallbearer (1996) .... Julie DeMarco
Sydney (1996) .... Clementine
Moonlight and Valentino (1995) .... Lucy Trager
Se7en (1995) .... Tracy Mills
Jefferson in Paris (1995) .... Patsy Jefferson
Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle (1994) .... Paula Hunt
Flesh and Bone (1993) .... Ginnie
Malice (1993) .... Paula Bell
Hook (1991) .... Young Wendy
Shout (1991) .... Rebecca   马特·达蒙(Matt Damon)

  出生日期 1970年10月8日


  出生地点 美国马塞诸塞州

  国家或地区 美国

  从名不见经传的小角色到好莱坞金童之一,马特-达蒙只用了几年的时间。他与本-艾弗列克共编共演的《好人威尔 -杭汀》(Good Will Hunting,又译《心灵捕手》)令他们两人一夜成名。他们因此片而分享了奥斯卡最佳原创剧本奖,马特-达蒙也确立了在好莱坞的当红小生地位。


  从剑桥的私立中学毕业后,马特便进入哈佛大学学习。三年后,他辍学去了好莱坞,去追寻他的明星梦。他的初次银幕表演是在《神秘的比萨饼》(Mystic Pizza, 1988)中饰演一个一闪而过的小角色。在随后的三年里,他没有接到任何剧本,直到1992年,他才在《School Ties》一片中获得了一个重要角色,有了展示自我的机会。但是,这部影片失败了,马特也未能引起注意,重又归于无名之辈。有感于数年的失败与成名的艰难,他联系了好友本- 艾弗列克,将一部他在大学时没有完成的剧本重新拾起。这部作为马特-达蒙英语课作业的剧本最终被改写成《好人威尔-杭汀》。剧本完成后,两人又四处奔走寻找制片商。终于,米拉麦克斯公司看中了它,并交由加斯-冯-桑特导演,并邀来罗宾 -威廉斯主演。

  《好人威尔-杭汀》1997年出品并获得了巨大成功,不过马特-达蒙在此之前已经引起了业界的注意。1996 年,马特在《生死豪情》(Courage Under Fire)一片中饰演了一名吸毒的士兵艾拉里奥。许多评论家都赞赏他在片中的表现和他为角色所作的牺牲--为了参演本片,他减重四十磅,并不得不忍受由此带来的病痛。不过,与《好人威尔-杭汀》引起的一片叫好声相比,这些赞扬实在太保守了。马特在《好》片中的出色表演与随之而来奥斯卡金像使他在好莱坞站稳了脚跟,并引来众多制片公司的片约。因此,他在次年便得以在两部大片中担任重要角色。第一部便是由约翰-道尔执导的《赌王之王》(Rounders)。他在片中饰演一个赌场高手,不顾老伙计(爱德华-诺顿饰)的百般诱惑,一心改邪归正。尽管此片演员阵容强大,先期宣传也非常有力,但无论评论界还是观众都对本片较为失望。不过,达蒙同年主演的《拯救大兵瑞恩》(Saving Private Ryan)却是一个巨大的成功。达蒙分享了来自各界对这部影片及 其全明星阵容的溢美之辞。

  1999年,达蒙又主演了引人注目的《天才瑞普利》(Talented Mr. Ripley)和《天条》( Dogma)。马特-达蒙饰演的瑞普利先生是一个精神异常的双性恋杀人狂,与他配戏的则是三位大牌明星:凯特-布兰切特(《伊利莎白》)、格温尼斯-帕尔特洛(《莎翁情史》)、裘德-劳(《X接触》)。而《天条》则使马特突破了一贯饰演的正面角色,与本-艾弗列克饰演一对堕落天使。该片成为1999年最具争议性的影片之一。


  无间道美国版 (2006) .... 柯林·苏利文
  辛瑞纳 (2005)
  耶稣 (2005)
  格林兄弟 (2005)
  新泽西爱未眠 (2004)
  12罗汉 (2004)
  谍影重重2 (2004)
  欧洲性旅行 (2004)
  十二罗汉 (2004)
  贴身兄弟 (2003)
  孖住你 (2003)
  小马精灵 (2002)
  谍影重重 (2002)
  伯恩的身份 (2002)
  2002 MTV Movie Awards (2002)
  小马王 (2002)
  杰瑞 (2002)
  撞翻缘姻路 (2002)
  11罗汉 (2001)
  冰冻星球 (2000)
  重返荣耀 (2000)
  脱缰野马 (2000)
  怒犯天条 (1999)
  天才雷普利 (1999)
  拯救大兵雷恩 (1998)
  赌王之王 (1998)
  进入海滩:《雷霆救兵》 (1998)
  造雨人 (1997)
  心灵捕手 (1997)
  火线勇气 (1996)
  格罗尼默:一个美国传奇故事 (1993)
  校园风云 (1992)


  心灵捕手 (1997) .... 编剧
  杰瑞 (2002) .... 编剧 他身高180.4cm
-1 谍影重重4 伯恩的遗产(2009拍摄)2010放映
0 十三罗汉/瞒天过海3Oceans Thirteen(2007).....Steven Soderbergh
1 Running the Sahara (2007) ..... Narrator
2 谍影重重3The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) ..... Jason Bourne
3 牧羊人 The Good Shepherd (2006) ..... Edward Wilson
4 无间行者 The Departed (2006) ..... Colin Sullivan
5 Margaret (2006) ..... Mr. Aaron
6 Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope (2005) ..... Himself
7 Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3D (2005) ..... (voice)
8 格林兄弟 The Brothers Grimm (2005) ..... Wilhelm Grimm
9 Bruce Willis (2005) ..... Himself
10 "Project Greenlight 3" (2005) ..... Himself
11 辛瑞那 Syriana (2005) ..... Bryan Woodman
12 十二罗汉 Ocean's Twelve (2004) ..... Linus Caldwell
13 欧洲任我行 EuroTrip (2004) ..... Donny
14 纽泽西爱未眠 Jersey Girl (2004) ..... PR Exec #2
15 Howard Zinn: You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train (2004) ..... Narrator (voice)
16 谍影重重2 The Bourne Supremacy (2004) ..... Jason Bourne
17 Sur les traces de Gerry (2004) ..... Himself
18 'Saving Private Ryan': Boot Camp (2004) ..... Himself
19 "Journey to Planet Earth" (2003) ..... Narrator
20 Saltlake Van Sant (2003) ..... Matt Damon
21 Ben Affleck & Matt Damon: The E! True Hollywood Story (2003) ..... Himself
22 黏着你 Stuck On You (2003) ..... Bob
23 "Project Greenlight 2" (2003) ..... Himself
24 谍影重重 The Bourne Identity (2002) ..... Jason Bourne
25 Shirtless: Hollywood's Sexiest Men (2002) ..... Himself (archive footage) (uncredited)
26 小马王 Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002) ..... Spirit
27 杰瑞 Gerry (2002) ..... Gerry
28 撞翻姻缘路 The Third Wheel (2002) ..... Kevin
29 危险性私隐 Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002) ..... Matt, Bachelor #2
30 2002 MTV Movie Awards (2002) ..... Himself - Presenter
31 Judge Not: In Defense of Dogma (2001) ..... Himself
32 瞒天过海 Ocean's Eleven (2001) ..... Linus Caldwell
33 AFI's 100 Years, 100 Thrills: America's Most Heart-Pounding Movies (2001) ..... Himself
34 白烂贱客 Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001) ..... Himself/Will Hunting
35 "Project Greenlight" (2001) ..... Himself
36 忘了我是谁 The Majestic (2001) ..... Luke Trimble
37 骏马 All the Pretty Horses (2000) ..... John Grady Cole
38 Bravo Profiles: Billy Bob Thornton (2000) ..... Himself
39 泰坦A.E. Titan A.E. (2000) ..... Cale Tucker
40 Reflections on 'The Talented Mr. Ripley' (2000) ..... Himself
41 重返荣耀 The Legend of Bagger Vance (2000) ..... Rannulph Junuh
42 心灵访客 Finding Forrester (2000) ..... Steven Sanderson
43 2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards (2000) ..... Himself
44 Inside 'The Talented Mr. Ripley' (1999) ..... Himself
45 The Talented Mr. Ripley: Making the Soundtrack (1999) ..... Himself
46 天才雷普利 The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) ..... Tom Ripley
47 Fremde (1999) ..... As himself (archived material) (archive footage) (uncredited)
48 第71届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 71st Annual Academy Awards (1999) ..... Himself - Presenter: Documentary Awards
49 怒犯天条 Dogma (1999) ..... Loki
50 赌王之王 Rounders (1998) ..... Mike McDermott
51 进入海滩:《雷霆救兵》 Into the Breach: 'Saving Private Ryan' (1998) ..... Himself
52 The 70th Annual Academy Awards (1998) ..... Himself - Winner: Best Original Screenplay & Co-Presenter: Best Short Subjects
53 Return to Normandy (1998) ..... Himself
54 拯救大兵瑞恩 Saving Private Ryan (1998) ..... Private James Francis Ryan
55 骄阳似我 Good Will Hunting (1997) ..... Will Hunting
56 猜·情·寻 Chasing Amy (1997) ..... Shawn Oran - Executive #2
57 造雨人 The Rainmaker (1997) ..... Rudy Baylor
58 Glory Daze (1996) ..... Edgar Pudwhacker
59 生死豪情 Courage Under Fire (1996) ..... Specialist Ilario
60 新好男人 The Good Old Boys (1995) ..... Cotton Calloway
61 格罗尼默:一个美国传奇故事 Geronimo: An American Legend (1993) ..... 2nd Lt. Britton Davis
62 School Ties (1992) ..... Charlie Dillon
63 Rising Son (1990) ..... Charlie Robinson
64 现代灰姑娘 Mystic Pizza (1988) ..... Steamer
65 好母亲 The Good Mother (1988) ..... Extra (uncredited) 身高 五英尺十英寸= 178
最经典的是他和本 阿弗莱克自编自演的《心灵捕手》
当然还有就是《谍影重重》1 2 3 180CM《谍影重重》,总共3部! 身高:5英尺11英寸(5' 11")个人觉得最经典的是他的《谍影重重》系列主要作品:-1 谍影重重4 伯恩的遗产(2009拍摄)2010放映
0 十三罗汉/瞒天过海3Oceans Thirteen(2007).....Steven Soderbergh
1 Running the Sahara (2007) ..... Narrator
2 谍影重重3The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) ..... Jason Bourne
3 牧羊人 The Good Shepherd (2006) ..... Edward Wilson
4 无间行者 The Departed (2006) ..... Colin Sullivan
5 Margaret (2006) ..... Mr. Aaron
6 Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope (2005) ..... Himself
7 Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3D (2005) ..... (voice)
8 格林兄弟 The Brothers Grimm (2005) ..... Wilhelm Grimm
9 Bruce Willis (2005) ..... Himself
10 "Project Greenlight 3" (2005) ..... Himself
11 辛瑞那 Syriana (2005) ..... Bryan Woodman
12 十二罗汉 Ocean's Twelve (2004) ..... Linus Caldwell
13 欧洲任我行 EuroTrip (2004) ..... Donny
14 纽泽西爱未眠 Jersey Girl (2004) ..... PR Exec #2
15 Howard Zinn: You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train (2004) ..... Narrator (voice)
16 谍影重重2 The Bourne Supremacy (2004) ..... Jason Bourne
17 Sur les traces de Gerry (2004) ..... Himself
18 'Saving Private Ryan': Boot Camp (2004) ..... Himself
19 "Journey to Planet Earth" (2003) ..... Narrator
20 Saltlake Van Sant (2003) ..... Matt Damon
21 Ben Affleck & Matt Damon: The E! True Hollywood Story (2003) ..... Himself
22 黏着你 Stuck On You (2003) ..... Bob
23 "Project Greenlight 2" (2003) ..... Himself
24 谍影重重 The Bourne Identity (2002) ..... Jason Bourne
25 Shirtless: Hollywood's Sexiest Men (2002) ..... Himself (archive footage) (uncredited)
26 小马王 Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002) ..... Spirit
27 杰瑞 Gerry (2002) ..... Gerry
28 撞翻姻缘路 The Third Wheel (2002) ..... Kevin
29 危险性私隐 Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002) ..... Matt, Bachelor #2
30 2002 MTV Movie Awards (2002) ..... Himself - Presenter
31 Judge Not: In Defense of Dogma (2001) ..... Himself
32 瞒天过海 Ocean's Eleven (2001) ..... Linus Caldwell
33 AFI's 100 Years, 100 Thrills: America's Most Heart-Pounding Movies (2001) ..... Himself
34 白烂贱客 Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001) ..... Himself/Will Hunting
35 "Project Greenlight" (2001) ..... Himself
36 忘了我是谁 The Majestic (2001) ..... Luke Trimble
37 骏马 All the Pretty Horses (2000) ..... John Grady Cole
38 Bravo Profiles: Billy Bob Thornton (2000) ..... Himself
39 泰坦A.E. Titan A.E. (2000) ..... Cale Tucker
40 Reflections on 'The Talented Mr. Ripley' (2000) ..... Himself
41 重返荣耀 The Legend of Bagger Vance (2000) ..... Rannulph Junuh
42 心灵访客 Finding Forrester (2000) ..... Steven Sanderson
43 2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards (2000) ..... Himself
44 Inside 'The Talented Mr. Ripley' (1999) ..... Himself
45 The Talented Mr. Ripley: Making the Soundtrack (1999) ..... Himself
46 天才雷普利 The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) ..... Tom Ripley
47 Fremde (1999) ..... As himself (archived material) (archive footage) (uncredited)
48 第71届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 71st Annual Academy Awards (1999) ..... Himself - Presenter: Documentary Awards
49 怒犯天条 Dogma (1999) ..... Loki
50 赌王之王 Rounders (1998) ..... Mike McDermott
51 进入海滩:《雷霆救兵》 Into the Breach: 'Saving Private Ryan' (1998) ..... Himself
52 The 70th Annual Academy Awards (1998) ..... Himself - Winner: Best Original Screenplay & Co-Presenter: Best Short Subjects
53 Return to Normandy (1998) ..... Himself
54 拯救大兵瑞恩 Saving Private Ryan (1998) ..... Private James Francis Ryan
55 骄阳似我 Good Will Hunting (1997) ..... Will Hunting
56 猜·情·寻 Chasing Amy (1997) ..... Shawn Oran - Executive #2
57 造雨人 The Rainmaker (1997) ..... Rudy Baylor
58 Glory Daze (1996) ..... Edgar Pudwhacker
59 生死豪情 Courage Under Fire (1996) ..... Specialist Ilario
60 新好男人 The Good Old Boys (1995) ..... Cotton Calloway
61 格罗尼默:一个美国传奇故事 Geronimo: An American Legend (1993) ..... 2nd Lt. Britton Davis
62 School Ties (1992) ..... Charlie Dillon
63 Rising Son (1990) ..... Charlie Robinson
64 现代灰姑娘 Mystic Pizza (1988) ..... Steamer
65 好母亲 The Good Mother (1988) ..... Extra (uncredited) 中文名: 马特·达蒙、麦特·戴蒙、麦迪文(港译)
  英文名: Matt Damon
  原名:Matthew Paige Damon
  身高:5英尺11英寸(5' 11")
  体重:187磅(187 lbs.)
  生日: 1970-10-08
  角色:编剧,演员 成名作 心灵捕手他与本-艾弗列克共编共演的《好人威尔 -杭汀》(Good Will Hunting,又译《心灵捕手》) 《天才瑞普利》(Talented Mr. Ripley) 格林兄弟 (2005) 以上几个是我看过的比较好的 还有作为演员,曾经拍摄过的电影: 无间道美国版 (2006) .... 柯林·苏利文辛瑞纳 (2005) 耶稣 (2005) 格林兄弟 (2005) 新泽西爱未眠 (2004) 12罗汉 (2004) 谍影重重2 (2004) 欧洲性旅行 (2004) 十二罗汉 (2004) 贴身兄弟 (2003) 孖住你 (2003) 小马精灵 (2002) 谍影重重 (2002) 伯恩的身份 (2002) 2002 MTV Movie Awards (2002) 小马王 (2002) 杰瑞 (2002) 撞翻缘姻路 (2002) 11罗汉 (2001) 冰冻星球 (2000) 重返荣耀 (2000) 脱缰野马 (2000) 怒犯天条 (1999) 天才雷普利 (1999) 拯救大兵雷恩 (1998) 赌王之王 (1998) 进入海滩:《雷霆救兵》 (1998) 造雨人 (1997) 心灵捕手 (1997) 火线勇气 (1996) 格罗尼默:一个美国传奇故事 (1993) 校园风云 (1992) 海风 参与制作过的电影: 心灵捕手 (1997) .... 编剧杰瑞 (2002) ....
